All the weekly competition results and events from the Big Brother Canada 4 season are archived here below with links to more details.

Meet the Big Brother Canada 4 cast and get to know them.
Big Brother Canada 4 – Finale Week:
Round 1: Phil
Round 2: Kelsey
Round 3: Kelsey
Evicted: Tim
Runner-Up: Kelsey
Winner: Phil/Nick
Big Brother Canada 4 – Week 11:
Head of Household: Phil/Nick
Nominated: Tim & Cassandra
Power of Veto: Phil/Nick
Replacement nominee: Veto not used
Evicted: Cassandra
Big Brother Canada 4 – Week 10:
Head of Household: Kelsey
Nominated: Tim & Cassandra
Power of Veto: Tim
Replacement nominee: Tim saved, Joel renom’d
Evicted: Joel
Big Brother Canada 4 – Week 9.5:
Head of Household: Phil/Nick
Nominated: Tim & Nikki
Power of Veto: Cassandra
Replacement nominee: Joel
Evicted: Nikki
Big Brother Canada 4 – Week 9:
Head of Household: Cassandra
Nominated: Phil/Nick & Nikki
Power of Veto: Nick
Replacement nominee: Phil/Nick saved, Jared renom’d
Evicted: Jared
Big Brother Canada 4 – Week 8:
Wild Card HoH Picks: Nikki & Phil/Nick
Head of Household: Phil/Nick
Nominated: Maddy & Ramsey
Power of Veto: Ramsey
D-O-R: Ramsey
Replacement nominee: Tim renom’d
Evicted: Maddy
Big Brother Canada 4 – Week 7:
Head of Household: Maddy
Nominated: Jared & Kelsey
Power of Veto: Jared
Replacement nominee: Veto used on Jared, Raul renom’d
Evicted: Raul
Big Brother Canada 4 – Week 6:
Returning HG: Kelsey
Head of Household: Raul
Nominated: Joel & Mitch
Power of Veto: Jared
Replacement nominee: Veto not used
Evicted: Mitch
Big Brother Canada 4 – Week 5:
Head of Household: Tim
Nominated: Dallas & Ramsey
Power of Veto: Ramsey
Replacement nominee: Ramsey used the Veto, Maddy renom’d
Evicted: Dallas
Big Brother Canada 4 – Week 4.5:
Head of Household: Maddy
Nominated: Jared & Raul
Power of Veto: Nick
Replacement nominee: Veto used, Loveita renom’d
Evicted: Loveita
Big Brother Canada 4 – Week 4:
Head of Household: Joel
Nominated: Kelsey & Raul
Power of Veto: Dallas
Replacement nominee: Veto not used
Evicted: Kelsey
Big Brother Canada 4 – Week 3:
Head of Household: Loveita
Nominated: Cassandra & Christine
Power of Veto: Dallas
Replacement nominee: Veto not used
Evicted: Christine
Big Brother Canada 4 – Week 2:
Head of Household: Jared
Nominated: Loveita & Sharry
Power of Veto: Christine
Replacement nominee: Veto not used
Evicted: Sharry
Big Brother Canada 4 – Week 1:
Head of Household: Loveita
Nominated: Kelsey & Paige
Power of Veto: Nick
Replacement nominee: Veto not used
Evicted: Paige
Wild Cards: Nikki & Tim