The latest Big Brother Canada spoilers are in for this week’s nominations with the new HoH making the promised choices official after a visit to the High Rollers room.

Lots of back and forth all day as Loveita weighed her options and jumped from target to target before finally settling on her nominees for the weekend. Well, she kept everyone in there and out here on their toes for sure!
Loveita talked about going after The Third Wheel with a nom against Kelsey or Raul, but instead she went in a different direction.
Big Brother Canada 4 – Week 3 Nominations:
- Cassandra
- Christine
Kelsey was an original target and was confrontational with Loveita today which made her seem like the perfect nom, but nope. Christine was up there on Loveita’s list and one we expected, but Cassandra is interesting even though she was tossed around earlier. Funny thing is how Cassandra was campaigning against a Kelsey nom earlier today when talking with Loveita but Kelsey was busy suggesting Cassandra to go up. Heh.
Next up we’ll be waiting on the Power of Veto competition and the players to be picked until we get an idea of where things go next. What do you think of Loveita’s noms so far? She was all over the place today and these two might not be her real target for the week so we’ll have to see where this goes.
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