Tonight on Big Brother Canada 3 the first Houseguest is sent home when your eviction votes are revealed and a new Head of Household is crowned. It all starts tonight at 9/8c on Global.

After meeting the new cast of Big Brother Canada on Monday’s premiere we watched as our chance to say goodbye to “Cindy with an S” Nguyen slipped through Kevin Martin’s fingers during the surprise Veto competition. Now either Risha Denner or Pilar Nemer will leave the BBCAN3 house tonight when host Arisa Cox reveals the results of your votes where viewers controlled the first elimination of the season.
Want to watch tonight’s BBCAN3 from outside Canada? Join us at at 9PM ET/PT to catch a free live stream of the show.
With a quick spin down to BBCAN’s regular level of fifteen Houseguests things will hit their regular routine with a new Head of Household crowned and the set up for nominations which will be revealed during Sunday’s episode (7/6c). There will be a lot to squeeze in to just one hour of Big Brother but remember that the show will not be live despite it yet again being billed that way.
Since tonight’s episode will be taped in advance we should have early spoilers confirming who went home and right now I think this could be very close. Our poll has been hovering around the 49/51 mark with Risha edging out Pilar to be the one leaving the house first.
Who do you think will be evicted? Risha or Pilar? And who do you most hope to see take over the power as the first real HoH of Big Brother Canada 3? Everyone should be eligible to compete so the field is wide open for a wide and after “S”indy’s clutch comeback win in the Veto I’m reminded that there could always be a surprise result.