Big Brother Canada 12 Spoilers: Executive Veto Preview
The Executive Veto has entered the Big Brother Canada 12 game. We speculate on who could have won it and its powers. […]
The Executive Veto has entered the Big Brother Canada 12 game. We speculate on who could have won it and its powers. […]
Surprisingly, the Big Brother Canada 11 producers are giving us Digital Dailies from after the Fatal Feast. I assumed that we wouldn’t have any Digital Dailies until Wednesday morning, to keep us in the dark […]
Big Brother Canada managed to surprise us yet again by going against expectations with the upcoming double eviction. Instead of a fake double eviction, as we suspected, tonight’s double eviction is going to involve something […]
On Sunday, we saw a tape recorder come into play in the Big Brother Canada 7 house. Este was the first one to spot it, and then she told Damien and Dane about it. They […]
At the end of Thursday’s Big Brother Canada episode, Arisa Cox teased that the Blood Veto would be shown on Sunday’s episode. The Blood Veto is something that’s been teased all season, but we haven’t […]
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