Things are looking rough for superfan Johnny Colatruglio on Big Brother Canada 3 as the faces stiff competition and a line of opposition from across the board if he wants to stay in the BBCAN3 house this week.

Overnight the Houseguests continued their plotting and planning with the anticipated nominations made official and the target falling squarely on Johnny’s back.
Jordan Parhar worked between his Newport alliance with Zach Oleynik and Fortress alliance with Kevin Martin to shore up support for making sure they did all they could to prevent Johnny from winning the Veto this week on Big Brother Canada. Zach and Jordan suspect Kevin could be the replacement if Johnny is taken off the block and they don’t want to risk losing a loyal supporter in Kevin. Zach thinks he can convince other HGs that Kevin is not the Houseguest they’re looking for this week.
Later when talking with Kevin, Jordan assured him they were still planning on evicting Johnny and alerted Kevin to Bobby’s interest in having him up on the block. Bobby has continued to name drop Kevin to Bruno saying he’s seen Kevin and Johnny together whispering and laughing. They hope to turn the tables on Bobby and get him out next week.
The Veto competition is coming up later today and players have been picked. Bruno as HoH plus Johnny and Sarah as the noms will be joined by Kevin, Brittnee, and Bobby. The mysterious Veto twist could make things interesting or it could fall flat if Bruno or Kevin wins the comp.
What do you think will happen this week? Is Johnny in trouble or can he pull off a surprise move on Big Brother Canada 3?