Big Brother Canada 9 Spoilers: Week 10 HOH Nominations
It’s the final BBCAN9 week, so we’re finally at the Big Brother Canada 9 home stretch. It’s a race to the finals for Tychon, Breydon, Kiefer, and Tera. In less than a week, one of these […]
It’s the final BBCAN9 week, so we’re finally at the Big Brother Canada 9 home stretch. It’s a race to the finals for Tychon, Breydon, Kiefer, and Tera. In less than a week, one of these […]
This is the final Big Brother Canada 9 Head of Household competition before the final one starts its three-part saga. This one determines at least one spot in the final three players. The remaining three players will […]
Last night, we saw Breydon make the decision to keep Tera and Beth on the block, instead of possibly backdooring Kiefer. This decision to take out Tera or Beth this week could be what makes […]
Tonight, the BBCAN9 final five players become the final four, not the fake final four like last week. In many ways, this week has been a do-over or reset week. First, Tera ensured that Jedson […]
For the first time during Big Brother Canada 9, Breydon is the Head of Household. His win evened the playing field now because the five remaining houseguests have all been HOH at least once. Kiefer is the […]
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