Last week’s Big Brother Canada 4 premiere wrapped up on Thursday with its first eviction and a gap in control of the house as the show ended without a new Head of Household. Tonight we’ll see how that comp turned out plus the latest nominations ceremony.

Along with the cliffhanger of the next HoH we were left watching Tim and Nikki enter the BBCAN4 house as the new Wild Card Houseguests and we’ll see more of how that goes over with tonight’s show on Global starting at 7/6c.
Kelsey dodged eviction as we said goodbye to Paige on Thursday, just a day after we watched her move in. Now Loveita and company will feel the pressure of their plan gone wrong and need to scramble to recover.
Tonight’s show will cover the next HoH comp and nominations ceremony while we’ll be waiting for Veto events on Wednesday’s show. If you can’t wait until then we’ve got your spoilers here from the Live Feeds. Plenty has been going on with some decent potential for a divided house and opposing sides struggle. Fingers crossed that it keeps down that path.
Join us back here tonight at 7PM ET for a live chat about the show and we’ll enjoy it together. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates for even more Big Brother Canada coverage.