Tonight on Big Brother Canada the Houseguests face their first Instant Eviction of Season 3 and the hidden results are revealed following days of down Feeds keeping us in the dark.

When we last saw the BBCAN3 HGs on Wednesday night the latest HoH competition put Kevin in charge as he went from the chopping block last week to the top power position with an even bigger power than usual.
The Instant Eviction on Big Brother Canada skips over the usual Power of Veto events and goes straight to the eviction vote giving no chance of redemption for the targeted players. Ouch.
The big mystery for now is just who went up on the block as several rumors were out there. Kevin may have made his nominations on Wednesday night or that might have just been his Shortlist of possible targets. We’ll get all the answers along with the eviction and new Head of Household competition on tonight’s BBCAN.
The new Big Brother Canada 3 episode airs at 7/6c and you can watch on Global from Canada or you can find a way to watch online with a live stream at 7PM ET/PT.