The Big Brother Canada 9 trio of Tychon, Jedson, and Beth have been a major topic of discussion all BBCAN9 season. People have wanted to work with them, and they have managed to make it into the top six players fully intact. They have almost been an unstoppable force. However, with the reign of Tera, the trio (alliance named the Sauce) has been falling completely apart. Their alliance has been starting to come undone for weeks, especially with Beth and Jedson becoming an official showmance. Now it’s pretty much dead.
Tychon has used this week to get closer with Tera, Kiefer, and Breydon, while plotting Beth and Jedson’s demise. He pulled the wool over Jedson’s eyes by telling him that he would vote out Breydon if Jedson remained on the block.
Foolishly, Jedson decided to use the Veto on Beth instead of saving himself. Tera, equally foolishly, decided to trust Tychon and keep him off the block. This meant that Breydon went up as a replacement nominee. Both Tera and Jedson thought it was a done deal now. Jedson believed that Tychon and Beth would both vote out Breydon and keep him in the game. Tera thought that now everyone would vote out Jedson. And it looks like Tera is the one right in this scenario. Beth has been wavering between voting out Jedson and keeping him in the game, but his Undercover Brother, ride-or-die from day 1 is ready to send him packing.
Beth has told Jedson that she’s fighting to keep him in the game, and she has been trying to sway Tychon into keeping Jedson, while also seeing if Kiefer may be a Jedson vote option. However, she’s also been switching and plotting to vote out Jedson. The main motive behind Beth working to keep Jedson seems to be her desire to make the big move of getting him out. She may also feel a little bad sending him out of the game after he was the one who saved her from eviction.
Beth is continuing to pull Jedson closer by revealing to him that Tychon plans to vote him out this week. Jedson must pretend that he doesn’t know Tychon’s plan, and instead has been trying to pull every card possible to get his former ally to keep him in the game. Meanwhile, Jedson and Beth have decided they’re done with Tychon and want Kiefer in the final three with them, completely unaware of Kiefer’s major part in this move against them.
As of now, The Sauce is done. Tychon’s ruthless gamer side has come out and he’s ready to cut Jedson. Jedson will most likely be the one leaving tomorrow. However, this is a very fun week. It’s a fake double eviction, so Jedson could win his way back into the BBCAN9 game. If this happens after everyone (since Beth is likely to vote him out too) votes him out, we may see a new side of Jedson. Hopefully, Jedson has now learned the golden rule of Big Brother: ALWAYS USE THE POWER OF VETO ON YOURSELF!!!
Make sure to join us later tonight for the Big Brother Canada 9 Power of Veto episode, airing at 7:00 pm EST. Add us on Facebook, Twitter, and download our app for all the latest BBCAN9 news, spoilers, exclusives, and much more.