Big Brother Canada has had an exciting start to the week. First, we had the two night premiere episodes that saw four houseguests in danger of eviction because of Canada’s vote. Then, those four fought it out in a series of challenges. The challenges guaranteed safety for Minh-Ly and Chris. This left it Nico and Susanne on the block to fight for their BBCAN8 life.
Susanne went right to work. She started to form a new six person alliance that included Carol, Brooke, Kyle, Sheldon, and some other players. Things weren’t looking good for Nico as Susanne’s spot seemed safe. Minh-Ly decided to act on Nico’s behalf and try to help his spot in the game. That didn’t go over well with some of the other Big Brother Canad 8 houseguests. Minh-Ly’s fight for Nico didn’t help him, and he also made the major decision to leave the BBCAN8 game. This resulted in no fight week eviction.
Big Brother Canada ended Thursday’s episode with the start of a basketball related Head of Household competition. After a few rounds, Jamar and Minh-Ly tied for first place. Due to spoilers, and the episode being taped in advance, we know that Chris won this Head of Household competition.
It’s been a busy first several hours of feeds. The main take away from all this action as that these players are trying to play the game HARD. Last night, Chris decided to nominate Hira and Brooke as pawns. He then wants to remove one of them from the block and put up Micheal, his real target. Did he stick to this bold move?
BBCAN8 Week 2 Nominations
- Chris nominated Hira and Brooke for eviction.
The alpha-males targeting the alpha males isn’t something we see too often in Big Brother Canada, so this already sets a nice pace to the season. We’ll have to wait until tomorrow’s Power of Veto Competition to see if Chris sticks to his plan or if he goes a different route in the end.
How do you feel about Chris’s nominations and plan?
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