Things do not look good for Sindy Nguyen this week on Big Brother Canada and her fellow Houseguests are letting her down easy to avoid any disappointing results tonight.

After pressing hard following her Power of Veto elimination, Sindy has campaigned steadily to keep herself in the house but she’s just not gaining traction with the votes. The second chance in the BBCAN3 house was an incredible gift, but her return looks to be cut short by the same reasons she was eliminated in the first place.
Last night after talking with Bobby things became painfully obvious. Sindy needed five votes to avoid a tie-breaker by Pili, who has repeatedly indicated she wants Sindy evicted. Bobby listened to Sindy’s campaigning before explaining that she’s not going to get his vote. No if’s, and’s, or but’s about it.
It was brutal honesty that could have helped Sindy focus on enjoying the rest of her time in the house, but maybe it was too brutal for someone heading to Jury. There she’ll join Jordan as the second member of the Jury with a role in deciding who will win the $100K and a dresser from The Brick filled with KFC gravy in every drawer. These HGs should really read the contracts they sign.
Join us back here tonight at 9PM ET as we live blog the Big Brother Canada 3 results and find out who won the next Head of Household competition.