Big Brother Canada 7 Spoilers: Week 4 HOH Results
Tonight’s eviction came down to Kailyn vs. Damien. This is his second time on the block, not a good record with it only being three weeks. This is Kailyn’s first time on the block […]
Tonight’s eviction came down to Kailyn vs. Damien. This is his second time on the block, not a good record with it only being three weeks. This is Kailyn’s first time on the block […]
Time for another episode of Big Brother Canada 7. Tonight, we watch another person leave the house, a new twist, and the Head of Household competition. We’re in for an exciting hour of game play […]
Leon’s Lounge has been introduced into the Big Brother Canada 7 game. Arisa Cox announced during Sunday’s episode that Canada could vote for a houseguest to get special access. They would be allowed to view […]
Tonight Kailyn’s Big Brother Canada game seems over. Chelsea has made decisions all week to ensure her exit, but like others have said, Kailyn has a way of manipulating the house to her way. Unfortunately, […]
This week, Canada introduced a new twist: someone will be granted access to Leon’s Lounge. This lounge will include surveillance footage of things going on throughout the house. This is no new twist to the […]
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