Tonight on Big Brother Canada the final four Houseguests will face the Power of Veto and a surprise eviction leaving us with just three players by the end of the show.

With the brothers safely moving on to F3 as the new HoH that left Kelsey, Cassandra, and Tim scrambling to try and secure their own spot in the F3 with a Veto win to avoid the eviction vote. We’re about to see how that all went down.
Things have moved well beyond these events in the house but all we know so far from the Feeds is who won the Veto which lets us speculate over the next eviction vote. Tonight’s show will confirm what we’re expecting to happen leaving us ready for Thursday night’s big finale show.
So who do you want to end up winning BBCAN4? Be sure to vote in our poll and share your thoughts as we get ready to say goodbye to the season and crown one of these four as the season four winner.
Don’t forget that tonight’s show is at the normal 9PM ET/PT time but Thursday’s season finale starts an hour early at 7PM ET/PT to squeeze in the extra long show.
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