Big Brother Canada 4 is back tonight with a new not-really-live eviction show (I really don’t get why they insist on calling it “live” when it’s not) as either Christine or Cassandra will be sent home and a new HoH will be crowned.

Last night left us with Dallas’s decision to not use the Power of Veto which meant the two ladies had just one more chance at survival, but there’s only one seat left on that boat. While Loveita pushes for Cassandra to go the House continues to waver on her request.
Days ago it looked like Cassandra could be done for but now more support has grown to keep her around. Even still last night we watched on the Feeds as Loveita campaigned for Christine to stay while Mitch worked on Joel to go against his close ally and vote to keep Cassandra. We could have a blindside, or at least a semi-surprise blindside.
We’ll keep watching to see how things settle out for the next vote during the day before Feeds shut down to advance tape tonight’s show. Can’t wait to find out who snags the power again and hopefully it’s someone different this time as Loveita and Jared have traded off the first three weeks.
Join us back here at 8PM ET for our live coverage complete with results and a community discussion going on in the Comments section that keeps the show’s fun throughout. If you want more Big Brother Canada coverage you should join us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates!