Tonight on Big Brother Canada 3 the Houseguests face a surprise eviction when they learn there are just days left in the season as this week’s Veto holder will be calling the shots.

Over the weekend the final four HGs of BBCAN3, Ashleigh, Brittnee, Godfrey, and Sarah, faced off in the Veto competition to decide who would be the only vote of the week. If Sarah, as HoH, won the power then she’d be able to keep her noms and let Brittnee vote, but if Ashleigh or Godfrey could win then they’d be safe and do the voting with Brittnee on the block.
The Big Brother Feeds were turned off on Saturday after we learned who won the last Veto but stopped short of getting confirmation of our expectations for the surprise eviction.
Tonight on Global at 8/7c we’ll get to see how the Veto played out and who was evicted from the F4 just shy of making the three-round final HoH competition.
Then on Wednesday at 8/7c the season finale airs and we’ll find out who will win Big Brother Canada 3. We’ll get a special two-hour finale that night so settle in for the big results!