Another marathon Power of Veto competition is over and we have more Big Brother Canada spoilers for the last Veto comp of the season with a lot weighing in the balance.

No surprises with the nominations once we knew the HoH results and other than safety as Head of Household the rest of the week would be decided by this crucial PoV comp. We can likely predict the outcome of the next eviction and this season’s F3 already based on who won Veto.
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Ashleigh won the Power of Veto, again, and as one of Sarah’s nominees you know she’ll use it. (Exact repeat of Week 9’s situation.)
When Ashleigh comes down then Sarah must renom Brittnee, the only other option. Ashleigh will cast the sole vote and I expect her to send Britt on off to Jury. She wants to split up the last alliance and this would do that.
A Final Three with Ashleigh, Godfrey, and Sarah. I think Godfrey also just secured himself a spot in the F2. Wow!
What do you think will happen at the Power of Veto Ceremony coming up?