Thanks For An Awesome Big Brother Canada Season 1 Experience

Big Brother Canada

I wanted to thank all of you readers for an awesome debut season here on the site for Big Brother Canada. The whole thing was an experiment from top to bottom. We didn’t know what to expect, or how we’d watch the show from down here, or if anyone would even show up on the site to discuss it with us. Everything turned out amazingly well and we are so grateful for your readership.

When you get used to a style and approach of Big Brother US after fourteen seasons it’s hard to fully give in to something different, but wow were we pleasantly surprised. The cast was fantastic with all new faces (a great reason for CBS to do the same this year), the house was turned out great, and even host Arisa Cox grew on us by the end of the year. All in all, scandals included, it was a complete success in our book.

We hope you’ll come back again next season of Big Brother Canada here at Big Brother Network. Be sure to join us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email updates so we can share news in the off-season as Big Brother Canada 2014 approaches!