Big Brother Canada 6 Live Feeds: Nomination Anticipation – Week 10
We have a new HOH in charge as we go into the final week of Big Brother Canada 6. There will be a special eviction episode on Wednesday which will give us our final three […]
We have a new HOH in charge as we go into the final week of Big Brother Canada 6. There will be a special eviction episode on Wednesday which will give us our final three […]
Maddy is working overtime in the Big Brother Canada 6 house trying to campaign to Daela in order to maybe stay in the house this week. She had some good points, but did it sway […]
This week has been an interesting one inside the Big Brother Canada 6 house. Kaela is in the HOH and her noms are in place. The POV has been played on the feeds and the […]
A lot happened in the Big Brother Canada 6 house over the weekend with the nominations being set and the Power of Veto being played. Here is a quick recap of some of the important […]
We now know who the F5 on Big Brother Canada 6 are and they are all a little antsy about who the HOH is going to be putting on the block this week. Keep reading […]
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