Big Brother Canada 2: Week 3 Power of Veto Episode Tonight
Big Brother Canada is back tonight on Slice starting at 9PM with the latest events from the house picking up where the nominations left off and the Power of Veto picks up! By the end […]
Big Brother Canada is back tonight on Slice starting at 9PM with the latest events from the house picking up where the nominations left off and the Power of Veto picks up! By the end […]
Yesterday on the Big Brother Canada Live Feeds we saw Adel practicing his speech for the “Canada’s Veto” special power. The funny thing is, this “power” is completely made up but will the house believe […]
The next eviction vote for Big Brother Canada 2 arrives on Thursday and the final nominees are already set. The fun thing is that the house is split on which way that vote should go […]
On Sunday, online Big Brother Canada viewers were furiously voting for the most “Buzzworthy” HG as part of a fun task that catered to the online viewers with its short duration and no mention during […]
Spoilers are in for Big Brother Canada’s Veto Ceremony now the the Feeds are back from the meeting. The HGs gathered today in the living room to hear what the winner of this week’s Veto […]
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