Why Adam Should Win Big Brother Canada 7
It’s the end of Big Brother Canada 7 time. To honor the road to the end, we’ll have a few special posts to help move us towards Thursday’s season finale. This post starts a series […]
It’s the end of Big Brother Canada 7 time. To honor the road to the end, we’ll have a few special posts to help move us towards Thursday’s season finale. This post starts a series […]
The final Veto is always critical, because it determines the final three outcome. Whoever wins this important Veto not only secures their spot in the final three, but they get to decide who takes the […]
This is the final few days of Big Brother Canada. By Thursday, we’ll know if Dane, Anthony, Adam, or Kyra wins the Big Brother Canada 7 title. Last night’s episodeLast night’s episode ended with Dane, […]
It’s been an unexpected, intense, and a little bit fun Big Brother Canada 7 week as players prepared for their endgame. The week started with the shock of Kyra beating three Pretty Boys to become […]
This week should go as expected. We know that one of the Pretty Boys will leave, and it’s likely Mark. At the start of the week, Adam was the target, but the Veto shook the […]
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