Big Brother Canada 11 Spoilers: Week 3 HOH Nominations
As much as many Big Brother Canada 11 fans would love for Head of Household Kuzie to take a shot at Ty and Zach this week, it likely won’t happen. As we saw with last […]
As much as many Big Brother Canada 11 fans would love for Head of Household Kuzie to take a shot at Ty and Zach this week, it likely won’t happen. As we saw with last […]
For the last two Big Brother Canada 11 weeks, the Head of Household has backdoored houseguests. Each of these backdoors has been because of Zach. He lucked out with two of his close allies in power, but […]
Basically, it’s been the Zach show since Big Brother Canada 11 started. Everyone in the game knows that Zach has taken control of the house and continues to work to take over it completely. However, no one wants to […]
Zach and Ty have basically been together ever since Big Brother Canada 11 began. They are definitely each other’s ride-or-die and final two plans. Zach has been playing a more obvious game, while Ty has tried to […]
Big Brother Canada 11 gave us another Digital Dailies that didn’t give us much information. However, it did enlighten us on some really important things, including who won this week’s Head of Household Competition. It’s […]
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