After a wild ride on the Double Eviction train last night for Big Brother Canada 4 the Houseguests went straight to work on finding a new Head of Household.

Since the show was filmed hours ahead of airing they had plenty of time to hold the next HoH comp. Want to know the latest spoilers on who won HoH last night?
Kelsey is the new Head of Household.
Well, I’d say Tim, Cassandra, and Joel are in trouble. However, if one of those three wins the Power of Veto then they can save one of the other three (if the winner isn’t on the Block) then Kelsey would be forced to renom the brothers. Okay, those are narrow requirements to get the brothers on the Block, but it could happen I supposed.
Or maybe Kelsey will shock us and nom the brothers, but I’d be surprised.
What do you think of Kelsey winning Head of Household this week? We’re in the final stretch of the season with the finale just around the corner. Are your favs going to make it to the end?
Noms will be official on Friday night and Veto competition should be on Saturday. We’ll keep you covered with the latest Big Brother Canada spoilers all weekend! Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates to get the news sent to you.