Brittnee made her third trip to the Big Brother Canada nomination sofa while Sindy faced her second eviction of the season last night on Big Brother Canada. It’s time to find out who went home this week and its impact on the next round.

Pilar’s reign as Head of Household comes to a close as she leaves the power position in hopes that someone from her couples alliance or Diaper troupe secures control and keeps them safe, but I’m hoping we get another power swing shift!
Whoever is evicted this week will become the second member of the Big Brother Canada Jury helping to decide who wins the big prize at the end of the season. Speaking of jury and big, maybe we’ll get more details tonight on what looks to be an oversized group in the sequester house this season.
Arisa reveals what we already knew, though she says we were expecting the wrong thing. Arisa says there will be a Triple Eviction next week. Well, ehh, kinda. At least the early reveal of the plans last week had a regular eviction PLUS a double eviction. If they’re counting all three together then yeah, it’s summed to a triple. Or maybe we will actually get 3 all at once next Wednesday.
Eviction Vote – Week 6:
- Bruno votes to evict Sindy
- Willow votes to evict Sindy
- Bobby votes to evict Sindy
- Sarah votes to evict Sindy
- Godfrey votes to evict Sindy
- It’s official.
- Kevin votes to evict Sindy
- Ashleigh votes to evict Sindy
- Zach votes to evict Sindy
By a vote of 8-0, Sindy Nguyen was evicted from Big Brother Canada 3.
If things don’t go to a cliffhanger as they seem to always do this season, then we’ll get your results right away. Otherwise we’ll have to wait until the Feeds return and we can discover the winner then.
Head of Household Comp – Week 7:
- Round 1: Godfrey eliminated
- Round 2: …cliffhanger…
Head of Household spoilers are in. Find out who won HoH last night!
What do you think of tonight’s BBCAN3 results? Were the right choices made?