Big Brother Canada 7 Episode 15 Recap: Holding on for Power

Last we left, Kiera had just become the latest evicted. She went home by another nearly unanimous vote. Before saying farewell to the Big Brother Canada 7 house, she left the other houseguests with a warning: Don’t trust Dane. The usually cool headed dude has to be sweating…even if just a little. We also have another do or die week for lovebirds Sam and Adam as they’ll never be able to completely fade into the background.

The episode ended with the start of this week’s Head of Household competition, the houseguests had to use their upper body strength and legs to keep themselves on a pipe. They would also be sprayed with lots of different junk to distract them and make it harder to hang on. As repeat winners, Dane and Adam are definitely the odds favorite to win it. But…will someone else take home the win and finally scare one of the Pretty Boys?

BBCAN7 Eviction Fall Out

Este now has to cope without her ride or die Kiki, and figure out if she can really trust Dane.

Sam is a little happy that now people aren’t going to trust Dane as much because what Kiki said. Dane, on the hand, is confused why Kiki threw him under the bus. He’s worried about becoming a target.

BBCAN7 Week 6 Head of Household

The Pretty Boys are still a thing, but there is a division among the group. You’re either part of Team Sam and Adam or part of team Dane. Which side of the Pretty Boys will gain power this week?

Host Arisa Cox announces that the first three to fall off will become Have-Nots for the week. Everyone immediately starts to struggle with the competition. Cory remembers that Kyra told her last week that people wanted to backdoor her, but they weren’t going to let that happen to Cory. Cory wants to win HOH to get to the bottom of who tried to backdoor her.

Kyra is the first person to fall off and becomes a HN. Anthony falls off next and also becomes a Have-Not. Then Mark falls off. They’re the three Have-Nots for the week. Este falls off next. Slop starts to spray everywhere and Damien falls off next.

Adam knows that the Pretty Boys want to backdoor Sam, so he wants to win HOH to make sure that doesn’t happen. Adam reassures Dane and Cory that they’re safe, so Dane falls off. Cory then tells Adam that she wants it. He asks her if Sam and him are safe? She promises, so Adam drops.

Cory becomes the new Head of Household. 

BBCAN7 Week 6 Nominations

With a semi-wild card as Head of Household, will these be safe or risky nominations?

Sam and Adam join Cory to tell her not to be manipulated by “the master manipulator” but says she can’t say names. Este and Damien discuss whether they have to worry this week. They both think that Cory will go after Dane or Sam this week, and they should be fine. Este worries that she may go on the block with Dane.

Anthony uses the backdoor plan to get the spotlight off Dane and on to someone else. Cory doesn’t quite buy that Dane wasn’t involved in the idea to backdoor her, so Anthony goes to work on the other Pretty Boys. He needs their help to save Dane and put the blame on Sam. He goes to get Mark involved.

Sam admits in the DR that the backdoor Cory plan started with a conversation between Dane, Adam, and her. However, she wants to put the whole blame on Dane. Meanwhile, Anthony tells Dane that Cory suspects he was part of a plan to backdoor her. He tells him how he needs to put the blame on someone else. Adam comes in during the conversation, and then asks them who they want to pin this backdoor plan on, and they say maybe Kyra.

Adam gets frustrated because he knows the Pretty Boys want Sam out. He feels stuck in the middle. Anthony then tries to talk to him but Adam is still frustrated. Anthony says they have to pick between the boys and Sam. If they want to keep the boys together, then they might have to sacrifice Sam this week.

Cory takes Kyra to the Wendy’s lunch to get some info on the backdoor. Kyra puts the on Dane and Adam, but Cory tells them that she heard the opposite, that Sam was behind it. Este and Dane then go work on Cory to get the blame more on Sam. However, neither give her enough info to have a clear pitch of who to blame.

Sam then works to deflect the blame to Dane.

Cory’s shortlist includes Dane, Este, Kyra, and Sam.

She nominates Dane and Este for eviction.

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