Who is going to win Big Brother Canada 4? We’ve got four Houseguests left in the running as we head in to Wednesday and Thursday’s last two episodes of the BBCAN season and one of them is about to hit a payday.

When the Feeds went dark we still had Cassandra, Kelsey, Phil/Nick, and Tim in the house and the noms were jockeying for a spot in the F3. We’ve already looked at who was most likely to survive the F4 eviction, but until we know for sure it could be any of them to win it all.
I’m expecting Cassandra has been sent off to join the Jury and sit alongside Mitch, Raul, Maddy, Jared, Nikki, and Joel with one more to follow this week at the finale.
If I’m wrong and Cassandra gets to the F2 then she’d have an interesting story to tell about working with Tim and playing a strong social game to stay connected around the house. Cassandra robbed the hangman on several occasions and that flip last week was phenomenal, but will the Jury recognize her work? She’s the top pick of our readers for the win but we only get one vote and she’ll need four more to win.
Tim better be planning to win his way to the end because I don’t see either Kelsey or the brothers taking him on to the finish line. The brothers think they could beat any and all so Kelsey isn’t likely a worry for them and Kelsey seems to be sticking tight to the plan too. Of course if someone is going to talk them in to flipping that idea then it’d be Tim.
Even if Tim does get to the end I’m not convinced he could pull off the votes to make it happen. According to our polling Cassandra was the top pick for our readers to win but Tim was right behind her. If that trend holds to the Jury vote for viewers then Tim would at least start with one vote in his pocket, but could he get another four? I’m curious if Nikki would have forgiven Tim enough to vote for him over the brothers or Kelsey now that her pick of Joel is out.
Kelsey has played a smart game but is obviously owing a lot to production’s twist to bring someone back after she played, was voted out, and effectively lost. Will the Jury hold that against her? Season one sure didn’t let it stop Gary who would have won after returning had it not been for the Topaz effect.