Tonight on Global Big Brother Canada 4 starts with its season premiere at 9/8c as the first fourteen Houseguests enter their new home for the fourth installment of BBCAN.

So far we’ve met the new Big Brother Canada cast and toured the beautiful new home. We’ve also heard the rumors about a cast twist and how the first HoH competition starts off. Next up we’ll get to see it all in action before the next twist arrives.
The Wild Card voting to pick two of the four international players is still ongoing and wraps up on Thursday afternoon ahead of the “live” show’s advanced taping. See, it’s still called “live” because they’re taping people who happen to be alive. Or something like that.
We won’t get anything about the Wild Card results tonight so hang on to that for tomorrow in the second part of the premiere week. Hopefully the HoH competition gets wrapped up though so we can have our first Head of Household for the new season, but I hope there won’t be another rapid eviction like what happened last year.
Ready to watch BBCAN4 tonight? If you’re in Canada then go to Global at 9PM ET/PT. Outside of Canada? You’ll need to watch through an online stream, which isn’t that bad. I’ve used this method regularly for the past three seasons without issue, but be wary of the ads on the streaming sites since some can be malicious. We have some more details here on how to watch BBCAN online.
The Big Brother Canada Live Feeds are back again this year too and will start up after Thursday’s episode is over. If you’re in Canada just go to Global’s site, but if you’re in the US you’ll need a VPN service to tunnel in and get access.