Over the weekend the Big Brother Canada 4 Houseguests said goodbye to one of their last four HGs and made way for the Final Three. So who made the cut?

We’ve yet to see any spoilers or leaks and probably won’t know for sure until Wednesday’s episode so the rest of this is speculative discussion to get us ready for the season finale.
As the Feeds shut down we last saw BBCAN host Arisa Cox surprising the HGs with an unexpected appearance on the main room’s screen. She was likely coming on to tell them about the surprise eviction where either Cassandra or Tim would be voted out.
At last check the brothers held the Veto (thanks again to Nick’s victory) which meant we shouldn’t expect the noms to change and Kelsey to be in any danger. Instead I fully expect her to be casting the sole vote this round.
The deal for Kelsey and company was to get rid of Cassandra per her Final Three Treaty alliance with the brothers and Tim. As much as I think she’ll be tempted to go with the “girl power!” option I don’t think she’s willing to rock the boat. If the brothers stay on their winning streak then she would end up relying on them to take her on to the final two showdown before the Jury. No good reason to piss them off just to keep Cassandra who is more likely to lose those F3 comps anyway.
That makes this F3 lineup prediction easy for me to go with Tim, Kelsey, and the brothers. From there the F3 comps will kick off with an endurance competition and the rest of the final HoH competitions.
Tim better get ready to win his way out or I think he’ll be sunk and fall short of the F2. If I had to guess right now we’re probably looking at a Kelsey & brothers F2. Yikes. Who would you want to win?