The Big Brother Canada 4 cast reveal is here as the 2016 season prepares for the premiere next month in its return to Global and after the Wild Card Houseguests were announced we’re now seeing the core players this season as we await the Wild Card results.

As we’ve seen before the BBCAN4 cast is coming out in waves and now we’re seeing the first seven of presumably fourteen HGs plus the two Wild Card players revealed on Tuesday. Let’s see who we’ve got so far for the fourth installment of Big Brother Canada.
Big Brother Canada 4 Cast list:
Cassandra Shahinfar
Age: 22
Hometown: Winnipeg, MB
Occup: Social Media Strategist
Christine Kelsey
Age: 47
Hometown: Vancouver, BC
Occupation: Housekeeper
Dallas Cormier
Age: 24
Hometown: Saint John, NB
Occupation: Welder
Jared Kesler
Age: 24
Hometown: Winnipeg, MB
Occupation: Pipeline worker
Joel Lefevre
Age: 33
Hometown: Edmonton, AB
Occupation: Actor
Kelsey Faith
Age: 25
Hometown: Calgary, AB
Occupation: Flight Attendant & Bartender
Loveita Adams
Age: 25
Hometown: Fort McMurray, AB
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Maddy Pavel
Age: 21
Hometown: Vancouver, BC
Occupation: Server
Mitchell Moffit
Age: 27
Hometown: Guelph, ON
Occupation: YouTuber
Paige Distranski
Age: 19
Hometown: Thunder Bay, ON
Occupation: Vet tech assistant
Nick Paquette
Age: 20
Hometown: Ottawa, ON
Occupation: Student
Philippe Paquette
Age: 21
Hometown: Ottawa, ON
Occupation: Uni Student/DJ
Ramsey Aburaneh
Age: 26
Hometown: Toronto, ON
Occupation: Digital Marketing Specialist
Raul Manriquez
Age: 21
Hometown: Calgary, AB
Occupation: Fashion Stylist
Sharry Ash
Age: 30
Hometown: Toronto, ON
Occup: Customer Service Supervisor
With the new season of BBCAN4 starting on March 2, 2016 we’re very close meeting the full new cast of Big Brother and seeing inside the expected all new design for their home. House reveal is scheduled for February 29th.
Meanwhile, the Big Brother Canada 4 cast members are likely being brought in to sequester if not already. During BBUS they’re flown in about a week before entering the game and that is probably what’s happening for BBCAN as well. The HGs will spend a few days in sequester then head on in for a taped premiere like we’ve seen in the past. Live Feeds will kick off after the premiere.
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