The new Head of Household on Big Brother Canada 3 has been busily planning and discussing what his next move will be and which two Houseguests will be going up on the block this week.
Update: Still no ceremony, but overnight talks indicate plans may have changed. Details below.

Last night after the first eviction the Feeds returned and we discovered who had won HoH. It didn’t take long at all after that before we caught HGs whispering plans of who was going up and who was the real target.
After Bobby won HoH and the Feeds turned on we found Zach meeting with Naeha in the bedroom where he mentioned that Godfrey and Johnny were the nom plan. Wouldn’t you know it, Johnny walks right in on them talking and the conversation awkwardly jumped to a different topic.
This morning on the BBCAN3 Feeds there were more talks as Bobby met with allies Zach and Ashleigh to go over their options. It sounded like they were still eyeing Johnny to leave, but wanted him to appear as the pawn. Meanwhile Zach advised that Bobby not go too over the top with Godfrey’s nomination because he thought they could walk it back and then act like they changed their minds and wanted to work with him. Zach thought this would put Godfrey in their corner in case he won HoH next week. Yeah, we’ll see if it works.
Nominations might not be until Friday now that the Have-Not competition has seemingly been delayed all day until being held tonight. As soon as we get official word on the noms we’ll share the spoilers. Official results will air on Sunday’s broadcast at 7/6c.
Update: Godfrey and Johnny might be off the hook for now. Mostly. Looks like Brittnee and Kevin could be heading up with Johnny as a backup plan. And, as James pointed out in the comments below, Graig hasn’t been doing himself any favors with loose lips that has at least Bobby concerned.
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