Big Brother Canada is about to serve up two of its Houseguests to the Jury this week as we head towards a Double Eviction with the first of the nights nominees facing a three-count vote. Who will be evicted next?

Despite his best efforts, Zach was unable to get Godfrey renom’d next to him and instead now faces eviction against Pilar for votes on BBCAN3. With just three votes out there this won’t be easy for Zach to pull off.
Ashleigh, Brittnee, and Godfrey are voting and they’ve got an important decision here just a week ahead of the finale.. Brittnee definitely wants Zach gone so she’s a lock to evict him. Ashleigh would seem to want Zach there since he’s a stronger ally than Pilar, but she’s also got to start thinking of her own chances at the end so maybe she’s not an obvious lock for Zach. Godfrey looks like he could be up in the air, but he’s no dummy. Breaking up the showmance of Zashleigh is way too valuable for him.
I’m saying Zach goes 2-1 or 3-0 if Ashleigh wants to appear strong and taking a stand in an obvious lost cause. What do you think will happen in the first of two evictions this week on Big Brother Canada? Vote in our poll below and share your thoughts.