When the Big Brother Canada version of a Coup D’Etat twist hits the BBCAN3 house tonight we’ll see its holder, Brittnee Blair, faced with a difficult and very important decision: who goes up on the block?

We know for sure that Brittnee will come down, but who will go up in her place or if there are two vacancies, then who will fill the second spot?
I still believe the obvious choices are Bruno and Zach but that still leaves us with a big choice for the rest of the voting Houseguests: who should be evicted?
Brittnee has been debating with Sarah on the Feeds this morning who is the bigger, more important target: Bruno or Zach? Sarah has leaned toward Zach while Brittnee keeps returning to Bruno. If both of those options are on the block then Brittnee and Sarah’s opinions are equal when it comes to voting power, but with Ashleigh posed to break any ties they would likely need to agree on Zach to make that happen with any certainty.
Godfrey has suggested Bruno is a better option to keep in his talks with the ladies earlier today so I think he’d vote to evict Zach, but Pilar would probably go after Bruno. If Brittnee and Sarah split their votes then watch for Ashleigh to break against Bruno and keep Zach.
Sarah argued that this would be their chance to get out Zach because relying on Ashleigh and Pilar to target Zach later would be less likely than Godot making a surprise visit to the house. (My words, not Sarah’s.)
I think Sarah is right, but if Brittnee has her heart set on Bruno then that’s probably what will happen. It seems unlikely that she’d risk leaving Godfrey up on the block with a gamble that the house would keep Godfrey over Bruno, but these Houseguests continue to surprise me.
What do you think will happen and is that different from what you think should happen during tonight’s Big Brother Canada 3 eviction show? Join us back here at 9/8c for the live blog results. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and get our Email Updates for even more BBCAN coverage.