This week on Big Brother Canada they’re trying something new for the nominations. Instead of the regular Head of Household competition last night the HGs were informed that Canada would be voting for this week’s nominations.

Starting last night the audiences has been able to vote for which two HGs they wanted up on the block. No one is immune. It’s an interesting idea and reminds me of BB15’s viewer votes for the MVP’s third nominee, but takes it up to another level of audience control. Of course that’s kind of another problem.
Viewers are going to get really involved in the game this week of what’s more often a black box competition. We know who is a snake because we get to see everything from all angles, a luxury the HGs do not share with us. As such, I can’t help but think it’s, I hesitate to say “unfair” because BB is rarely “fair,” well a bad idea.
The audience will get what they want and Sabrina will go up on the block. Andrew is likely to be by her side as well. That’s all fine. It’s just a game and as I said, there is really no “fair” when it comes to Big Brother, but sometimes it’s nice to watch the HGs play the game on their own.
Vote in our poll below for which 2 HGs you want to be nominated and then jump over to to vote in the official poll there.