The Big Brother Canada spoilers from the latest Nomination Ceremony were revealed today after the Feeds returned so we now know who is officially up on the block and how the house is reacting to those choices. Read on to find out what’s going on in the Big Brother Canada house.
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With the big power alliance holding seven of the nine remaining HouseGuests it’s no surprise how today’s Nomination Ceremony went down. Jon, as the new HoH nominated Sabrina and Rachelle just as he said he would.
Big Brother Canada – Week 7 Nominations:
- Rachelle
- Sabrina
The question is which of them is most likely to go? Originally the Sloppies had planned to send Rachelle home next and leave Sabrina for last, but now there is consideration of the opposite mostly because they don’t much like Sabrina.
The Veto competition should be coming up soon so we’ll get a much better idea of what the final noms could end up being before the Ceremony on Monday.
Do you think Jon made the right picks for his noms? Did he really have any other options? Share your thoughts!