The first Big Brother Canada spoilers are in now that the Live Feeds are up and running (oh and the Feeds look beautiful) so find out who is nominated for the first eviction which arrives Thursday night!

We’re piecing together what’s been going on inside the BBCAN2 house since the premiere episode left off. Looks like we know who is currently nominated and that the HGs are preparing for an eviction tomorrow night, but as for what happened in the Veto comp that’s still unknown. We’ll keep watching to find out more details as we go.
Big Brother Canada – Week 1 Nominations:
- Anick
- Ika
As I said, I don’t know what happened with the Veto just yet but we’ll know more soon either through discussions or on Thursday night’s show.
Update: Sounds like Andrew was an original nom but won the Veto and now we have these two noms.
If one of these two had to go I hope it’s Anick from her intro video alone. Healing crystals, channeling the Earth’s energy, and all that? No thanks.
Listening in on the HGs it sounds like Anick could be the one going, but that was just a few HGs talking in the HoH room so we’ll keep watching.
Which Big Brother Canada HG of those two would you like to see evicted first?