Tonight on Big Brother Canada the last round of nominations will play out on the finale week’s Special Eviction episode. Another HG will be sent to Jury after the Power of Veto comp and ceremony along with a single-vote eviction ceremony leading to the season finale on Thursday.

We’ll be updating this post here with the live broadcast (the show isn’t live) as the official Big Brother Canada results come in so stick with us tonight starting at 9PM ET.
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The Power of Veto played out over the weekend, but the Feeds cut out before the Ceremony was over so we only know for sure what happened in the comp. But really we can be certain about what happened at the Ceremony and the latest eviction which were both days ago. We’ll need some final HoH comp action to give us anything new tonight.
Power of Veto Competition:
- HGs play on a giant board game and must get to the other end first to win. There are comps, dares, and obstacles along the way, of course.
- Jon narrowly beats out Neda to win the Veto!
Power of Veto Ceremony:
- Jon uses the Veto on himself, of course
- Neda is automatically renom’d as a result
Who Was Voted Off Big Brother Canada Tonight:
- Jon votes to evict Heather
With Heather’s eviction we have the Season 2 Final 3! Congrats to Jon, Neda, and Sabrina on this huge accomplishment!
I’m hoping we’ll see how the first part of the three-round final Head of Household competition goes down, but we’ll have to wait and see how much they’ll show us tonight.
Arisa announces the 7th Jury member will be Canada. Wait, did Arisa just say the finale “tomorrow night.” Uhh, folks, this episode was likely not filmed today. They are still lying to you and pretending to be live. This was more likely filmed days ago. How bizarre.
And I don’t think we’re going to get anything out of the final HoH comps tonight. So this was a bust of an episode and we got nothing we didn’t already know. Sigh.
Nope, we don’t get anything from the final three-part HoH comp. That’s a real shame. So tomorrow night we’ll get all three parts leading up to the big Jury vote! Don’t Topaz it up, Jury members!
Voting is now open for who should get the 7th Jury vote: Jon, Neda, or Sabrina! Details here and poll below.
Are you happy with how tonight’s eviction? Who do you hope to see make it to the Final 2? Stick with us for updates!