We’re closing in on the Big Brother Canada eviction episode while the HGs are busily either actively taping or getting ready to film the “live” show hours before it airs. Seriously, BBCAN, why do you both calling it live? Everyone knows it’s not live so just let it go already. Sheesh.
So who is going home tonight after Canada voted to nominate Sabrina and Andrew? We’ve been watching the HGs busily fighting to control the vote and we can predict who is set to walk out the front door. Read on for the latest Big Brother Canada spoilers.
Get used to that mug up above because Sabrina isn’t going anywhere tonight. Yesterday there was a struggle by Sarah to flip Jon over to her side and vote out Sabrina instead of Andrew. It seemed like Jon was starting to consider the idea, but then Sarah gave in and Big Brother kept paging Jon to the DR right in the middle of their convo. Nice work, production. Sabrina found out which brought lots of tears and worrying, but it all settled down before too long.
Andrew will go home and Sabrina will live on inside the Big Brother Canada house. The viewers shouldn’t be too disappointed, though I’m thinking Sabrina was their top vote for the noms as she was in our poll. Yes, both are annoying, but she’s playing a better game than Andrew (as hard as that is for me to admit she’s doing something right) and will add more to the game even if her personality takes away just as much.
So who do you think will be evicted tonight on Big Brother Canada 2? The show is taping about now, but will air at 9PM ET/PT on Slice. We’ll be back here doing a live blog recap at 9PM ET so join us for the spoilers on who goes home and who becomes the next Head of Household!