Last night on the Big Brother Canada 3 premiere the new cast moved in and we learned the first big twist of the season: viewers hold the power to evict.

The first part of the BBCAN3 twist put all of the sixteen HGs in charge as Head of Household which let them all name two HGs for nominees. The two with the most noms went up on the block and that honor fell to Risha and Sindy. But soon after Sindy had won Veto and removed herself from the block with Pilar in her place.
Now it’s up to the viewers to decide whether Risha Denner or Pilar Nemer will be evicted during this Wednesday’s Big Brother Canada episode. Who do you think it should be? Vote in our poll below and help us predict who will be the first eviction of Season 3. Official voting is on
I’ve seen interesting arguments in the battle to persuade this decision. Pilar nominated two guys in the DR while most of the women went after other women, ahem Sindy. That could indicate a more aggressive player in Pilar. Then again, Risha does seem like more of a s**t stirrer and we all know how important that is on Big Brother. This is a tough call.