Fans and Houseguests settled in for a wild ride on Big Brother Canada as we prepared to say goodbye to three more players in the mad rush to knock out players and get us closer to the season finale.

Bobby and Brittnee started the night as our two nominees with things looking bad for Bobby, but just wait because it’s about to look bad for a whole lot more of them. Following the first eviction a new HoH was crowned and three more players would go up on the block with two of those heading out.
The show was taped much earlier today and results are out in the wild, but let’s pretend like production does that this is live and see how it all plays out.
Eviction Vote – Week 7 – Round 1:
- Bruno votes to evict Bobby
- Ashleigh votes to evict Bobby
- Pilar votes to evict Bobby
- Godfrey votes to evict Bobby
- That’s it. Bobby has been evicted.
- Sarah votes to evict Bobby
- Willow votes to evict Bobby
- Zach votes to evict Bobby
By a vote of 7-0, Bobby Hlad has been evicted from Big Brother Canada 3.
Head of Household Comp – Week 7 – Round 2:
- Round 1: Brittnee & Zach get a point
- Round 2: Everyone gets a point
- Round 3: Brittnee & Bruno get a point
- Round 4: All but Zach get a point
- Round 5: All but Will get a point
- Round 6: All but Sarah get a point
Brittnee Blair wins Head of Household. Congrats to Brittnee!
Nominations – Week 7 – Round 2:
- Zach
- Kevin
- Pilar
Bruno, Sarah, and Ashleigh join the three noms in the Veto comp. Brittnee is excluded because… I dunno. Players are running back and forth in lanes. They could have had a third play.
Power of Veto – Week 7 – Round 2:
- Bruno wins the Power of Veto
- Bruno gives Zach the PoV
- Willow is renom’d
Hah. After Arisa is announcing the whole time “Zach is in the lead. Kevin is now in the lead.” Bruno was the one to win.
Eviction Vote – Week 7 – Round 2:
- Zach votes to Save Pilar
- Sarah votes to Save Pilar
- Godfrey votes to Save Pilar
- Ashleigh votes to Save Pilar
- Bruno votes to Save Willow
Pilar stays. Willow and Kevin have been evicted.
What do you think of tonight’s BBCAN3 results? Were the right choices made?