Following last night’s wild ride through two rounds of evictions and three Houseguests sent home we’re left in the lurch as no one holds the power as Head of Household.

We said goodbye to Bobby, no big surprise, but then watched as Brittnee won HoH and nominated Zach, Kevin, and Pilar only to have Bruno save Zach and Brittnee send Willow up in his place. The final votes of the night kept Pilar and sent out two far more interesting players. Blah.
Normally we’d get a new Head of Household right after the latest eviction but Big Brother is giving the BBCAN3 Houseguests a reprieve from the chaos. The HoH room sits empty as the house awaits its next competition and power grab.
While the Feeds were down yesterday things got heated between Bruno and Sarah. He yelled. She yelled. We all yelled for missing it. Now those two are pitted against each other and you can beat that if either wins HoH they’ll be targeting the other.
Who do you hope gains control of the upcoming nominations? We’ll keep an eye out for the next round of Big Brother Canada spoilers as they’re hopefully coming up soon!