We found out on Big Brother Canada 3 last night who was evicted: Sindy or Brittnee as the two Houseguests faced eviction at the hands of their fellow housemates. By the end of the night a new HG was crowned Head of Household.

Along with the eviction and HoH comp maybe we finally found out what was going on with CameraGate (an allegedly deliberately broken camera) and the punishments being handed down to the Big Brother Canada Houseguests. It was a fun show so let’s see what happened next!
While we’re waiting for some results, Big Brother reveals that yes, CameraGate was a prank by production. Of course most of us figured that out when it went on this long and no one admitted fault. This could have been funny if they made it last a few hours rather than days.
Eviction Vote – Week 2:
- Bruno votes to evict Sindy
- Pilar votes to evict Sindy
- Kevin votes to evict Sindy
- Jordan votes to evict Sindy
- Sarah votes to evict Sindy
- Graig votes to evict Sindy
- Naeha votes to evict Sindy
- That’s enough. It’s official.
- Willow votes to evict Sindy
- Ashleigh votes to evict Sindy
- Zach votes to evict Sindy
- Johnny votes to evict Sindy
- Godfrey votes to evict Sindy
By a vote 12-0, CindyWithAnS is evicted from Big Brother Canada and heads to sequester where she’ll await a chance to re-enter the game in a few weeks.
HoH Competition – “Story Time”:
- Round 1: Godfrey vs Pilar – Pilar eliminated
- Round 2: Johnny vs Naeha – Johnny eliminated
- Round 3: Godfrey vs Graig – Graig eliminated
- Round 4: Sarah vs Naeha – Sarah eliminated
- Round 5: Godfrey vs Bruno – Bruno eliminated
- Round 6: Willow vs Naeha – Willow eliminated
- Round 7: Godfrey vs Ashleigh – Godfrey eliminated
- Round 8: Kevin vs Jordan – Jordan eliminated
- Round 9: Ashleigh vs Naeha – Naeha eliminated
- Round 10: Kevin vs Zach – Zach eliminated
- Round 11: Ashleigh vs Brittnee – Brittnee eliminated
- Round 12: Ashleigh vs Kevin – Ashleigh eliminated
Kevin wins Head of Household!
Arisa Cox tells us this will be an Instant Eviction round which is like a fast forward event. There will be no Veto. Kevin will name two noms and the House will vote on it.
Feeds are set to go down Friday afternoon until after the next show on Sunday so they can protect the secret (better than these non-live live show results, right?).
What do you think of tonight’s BBCAN3 results? Were the right choices made?