Last week we were teased of a two-round set of nominations and evictions, but then just as quickly as it arrived it was gone before returning for another mysterious appearance this week.

Global’s official site had included the series of events in their predictions game for Week 6 but then the time came and went with nothing like that happening and the entries being removed. Now in Week 7 they are back but so far we haven’t seen anything on the Feeds hinting at how this would all play out.
The lack of details have lead to plenty of confusion as readers asked why I was mentioning a double eviction when Arisa Cox had promised a triple eviction. True, she said we were getting a triple eviction, but again Global is showing a two-round week with one eviction followed by a new HoH and a double eviction. We’re getting in to semantics, but a single + a double is not a triple eviction. Update: Per Adrian & James below, they’ve convinced me if all evictions are within the one show’s hour I’d go along with the expanded eviction. Had they done one on say Monday and more on Wed than nah.
With that in mind, I expected maybe the two part series of events would split up the week like we saw back in Week 3 of BBCAN3, but nope, not so far. We’re still heading towards Wednesday’s eviction with nothing funny going on in the house. Or is there?
As @Hamsterwatch has noted today, the HGs have begun speculating that hey, maybe it’s a double eviction before jumping to the possibility of a triple eviction. Other than the early arrival of the HoH camera there haven’t been any obvious hints. Perhaps some whispers in the Diary Room?
We could end up seeing a rapid fire of the single eviction plus a new HoH, Veto, and double eviction all take place on Wednesday. No matter how it goes down, this could get wild and boy do we need that kick in the pants for the Big Brother Canada season right now.