Ready to find out who won Big Brother Canada 3? The season results revealed tonight when the Jury casts its votes for your new winner of BBCAN.

Before we get to the big vote we’ve still got a little house cleaning to do. Three Houseguests remain, but only two can stand before the Jury. So let’s find out who won the first two rounds as Big Brother Canada replays the action that’s been blacked out on the Feeds since the Weekend.
Remember that the winner of the first two rounds will face off in the third to become the last HoH of the season and executioner of the final eviction. Who do you think it’ll be?
Final HoH – Round 1:
It’s the end of the world (as we know it…) and the HGs must fill their buckets with the sands of time. Sand is pouring out of a container and the 3 players must fill a bucket, run it up the stairs, and pour it back in to the same draining container. This one was designed for a strong, fast, and fit player… yeah.
Sarah runs out of the sand first. Ashleigh quits and gives up. Seriously.
Godfrey wins Round 1.
The remaining two Houseguests, Sarah and Ashleigh, will face off in the second round with that winner moving on to the third round and the loser sitting on the sidelines to watch their fate play out.
Final HoH – Round 2:
HGs must connect historical events and the HGs involved. It’s on a giant wheel and magnet boards that go in between the faces.
Sarah lost by around fifteen minutes.
Ashleigh wins Round 2.
Godfrey and Ashleigh move on. Winner of the third round will decide who goes to Jury and who goes to the F2.
Final HoH – Round 3:
- Round 1: Both get a point
- Round 2: Godfrey gets a point
- Round 3: Both get a point
- Round 4: Godfrey gets a point
- Round 5: Ashleigh gets a point
- Round 6: Both get a point
- Round 7: Ashleigh gets a point
- Tied!
- Sudden Death 1: Both get a point
- Sudden Death 2: Both get a point
- Tie-breaker: Godfrey is closer to the #
Godfrey wins Round 3.
The final HoH will now decide who should be evicted and who he or she wants to sit next to them at the end.
Evicted HG: Ashleigh
Final 2: Godfrey & Sarah
Evicted Juror: Jordan
Arisa reveals that Jordan’s vote was for… Sarah, but it won’t count now. Ouch for both Jordan & Sarah.
Sindy –> Sarah
Bobby –> Godfrey
Kevin –> Sarah
Bruno –> Godfrey
Willow –> Sarah
Zach –> Sarah
Pilar –> Sarah
Brittnee –> not revealed Sarah
Ashleigh –> not revealed Sarah
Winner of Big Brother Canada 3: Sarah.
Congrats to Sarah on her win and Godfrey on his runner-up achievement.
Big Brother 17 starts on June 24, 2015 so get ready to join us on Yes, we will have our preseason interviews again this year and I’m readying myself to fly out and meet the new BB17 cast soon! Find us on Facebook and Twitter for our BB17 spoilers & updates.