Big Brother Canada 4 is back tonight on Global with the departure of Ramsey and the latest Power of Veto competition and ceremony results to set us up for Thursday’s next eviction.

We’ve had another shift in power this week on BBCAN4 as the brothers wrestled the HoH room away from Nikki in the game of chance that might not have really been much different had she won instead so now we’ll see how their week of power ends.
Once the Veto comp and ceremony ends then the brothers are powerless without a chance at a tiebreaker and obviously not a vote in the final decision of the week. If you’ve already caught up on the spoilers then you know how this week ends which means the real story tonight will be about Ramsey leaving the game.
As of Sunday morning Ramsey has been out of the BBCAN4 house so he could return home and be with his family due to his father’s health. We’ll see how his exit while a nominee and before the Veto Ceremony is handled logistically. I’m sure no one was happy to have that happen to the game, but we’ll get to see more of how it all went during tonight’s Big Brother Canada episode on Global at 9PM ET/PT. See you back here then for our live chat throughout the show.
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