Tonight on Big Brother Canada we’ll find out who wins cash, furniture, and enough detergent to wash the dirt of their three month stay away! But watch out because the two-hour season finale arrives an hour early starting at 7PM ET/PT on Global.

It’s all coming down to Tim, Kelsey, and the brothers as they’ll face three rounds of competitions before one more is evicted and the final two head before the Jury. Speaking of the Jury, the voting is still open to support your favorite of the three last Houseguests.
These last competitions will likely be an endurance first to decide who wins a seat in round three, then the two losers from round one face off in round two for the other seat in the third round. The winner of that third round then decides who take along to F2 to stand before the Jury.
The finale episode will be taped in advance this afternoon which means if you can’t wait until almost 9PM for the big reveal then just jump on Twitter and you’ll find the results there waiting for you. Sigh. Yeah, I think I’m going to have to avoid Twitter if I want to keep the winner a surprise.
If you’re really needing even more Big Brother then the Side Show kicks off a half-hour earlier at 6:30PM to get you pumped up for the season finale. Can’t believe the season is almost over! It’s been a fun one with some real high points in the cast and was a great warm up for Big Brother 18 which starts on June 22, 2016. Be sure to join us at our main BBUS site next month for all that fun too!