Big Brother Canada is back tonight with its Power of Veto episode featuring both the competition and ceremony that will give us our final nominees for Week 2 on BBCAN3.

Last night we saw Bobby win HoH with Brittnee and Kevin going up as the nominees through a rather interesting and new approach to the typical nomination ceremony process.
Now we’ve got less than three days until the first eviction vote is held and one of these two nominees could be walking out the BBCAN3. Or maybe not.
The Veto competition was held on Friday, we’ve got those PoV spoilers here, and the results will lead set us up for potentially more drama and another decision for the outgoing HoH to make. Bobby really wants to avoid getting blood on his hands, but that’s not much of an option when your the HoH.
Join us back here tonight at 8/7c when we’ll be watching the Power of Veto episode featuring the latest Veto comp and ceremony ahead of Wednesday’s Big Brother Canada 3 eviction. You can catch the show on Global from Canada or through a free, live stream at 8PM ET/PT on