Tonight on Big Brother Canada 3 the next eviction vote will reveal whether Bobby or Brittnee will be evicted and which two Houseguests will follow them out the door soon after.

We are on the brink of a shake up in the house, but that could fall flat if the couples alliance keeps the HoH power in their circle when it comes time for the second round of nominations and eviction. Kevlar have traded off the crown for the past two weeks and it’s not impossible to see it happen again.
Kevin will be vulnerable as the outgoing HoH but he’ll have protection from his alliance and the benefit of a bigger target in Zach that should give him a good shot at surviving the night. Then again, with two going he could tag right along.
The ladies are looking close to forming a girl-power alliance so the chances are good they’ll have each other’s backs and we could see three guys head out tonight. So many possibilities that it’s hard to make a good guess as to what will happen, but that’s what’ll make it so much fun!
Join us back here tonight at 9/8c when we’ll be live recapping tonight’s BBCAN3 eviction and HoH competition. You can catch the show on Global from Canada or through a free, live stream at 9PM ET.
Eviction Prediction – Vote for this week’s evicted HG: