Tonight on Big Brother Canada the next HouseGuest will be evicted leaving just four players in the game as the Jury continues to build. We’ll find out who is sent to Jury and who becomes the next Head of Household.

We’ll be updating this post here with the live broadcast (the show isn’t live) as the official Big Brother Canada results come in so stick with us tonight starting at 9PM ET.
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Who Was Voted Off Big Brother Canada Tonight:
- Heather votes to evict Adel
- Neda votes to evict Adel
By a vote of 2-0, Adel has been evicted from Big Brother Canada.
On his way out Adel reveals to the house that he was lying about his special power way back when. Adel admits it was just a player pick replacement for Veto and there was no extra powers like he claimed. It really was a brilliant move and did keep him alive way, way longer.
Dang, we’re running out of time again and Arisa is greeting Adel instead of setting up the next HoH comp. Sigh. I guess we’ll get the results later on from the Feeds unless they somehow rush it.
Wait, it looks like they’re going to rush it! Phew! HoH comp coming up here… unless they don’t finish it as they like to do.
Who Won Head of Household tonight – ‘Before or After’:
- Round 1: Heather is wrong.
- Round 2: All are right.
- Round 3: All are right.
Mother F&*@!rs. They did it again cutting off the conclusion of the HOH comp. I am so glad this is the last time they can do that. What bullshit. Next Thursday is the season finale of Big Brother Canada and the Feeds go down this Sunday morning.
We’ll keep watching the Feeds, which are already back, to find out who won HoH…
Trying to figure out who won, but so far it sounds like Neda did not win. Jon, Neda, and Heather all sitting around very glum. No sign of Sabrina. Neda makes a comment about not doing well in the comp. Hmm. Did Sabrina win??
Who Won Head of Household tonight?:
- Sabrina!
Ahaha. The girls kept her because she was supposed to be easier to beat than Adel but she won anyway. Sabrina is guaranteed Final 3. The winner of Veto will decide who joins them in F3. Veto comes up over the weekend and we’ll get that before the Feeds are cut off.
Are you happy with how tonight’s eviction? Who do you hope to see nominated next? Those results show be coming up by Saturday morning so stick with us for updates!