Big Brother Canada is back tonight with a new episode featuring the latest eviction when just Heather and Neda go inside the Diary Room to cast their votes.

From what we’ve been watching on the Big Brother Feeds, things do not look good at all for Adel and he knows it. Thankfully that means he’s at least trying to entertain us with some crazy last minute antics, but it’s a long shot.
Along with the next eviction vote we’ll get a new Head of Household crowned which will guarantee that HouseGuest a spot in the Final Three, but the real strength lies in the Power of Veto this week.
We’re almost down to the season finale so don’t miss what happens tonight on Big Brother Canada!
What do you think will happen on tonight’s show? Will Adel or Sabrina be the next to go to Jury this year?
See you back here tonight at 9PM ET for our live recap of the big show!
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