Can’t wait until Sunday to find out who won Head of Household last night on Big Brother Canada 3? We’ve got your spoiler results right here thanks to the Live Feeds revealing all the details.

We just watched an exciting blindside eviction but were left with a cliffhanger on the Head of Household results. This was a critical battle with the power in the house ripe for the picking.
So who won HoH? Read on for your Big Brother Canada 3 spoilers…
Pilar is the new Head of Household. Congrats to Pili.
We’ll have to wait and see how it all played out, but the losing side can in part thank Bobby for eliminating Sindy like an idiot. What a dumb move that was.
This should swing power back away from the “rebels” who rallied to evict Jordan in a surprise vote. Now the blindsided allies will again have control this week.
If you were the new BBCAN3 HoH, who would you want up on the nomination block?