Can’t wait until Sunday to find out who won HoH last night on Big Brother Canada 3? We’ve got your spoiler results right here thanks to the Live Feeds revealing all the details.

As the debut eviction episode for BBCAN3 ended last night we were left watching the remaining fifteen HGs prepare for the first endurance HoH competition of the season. They had to hold themselves up in a glass walled chamber with the goal of staying off the ground longer than the rest of their competition. Last person to drop became the new HoH.
Not only that, but the first eight to drop would face off in a Have, Have-Not competition. So that’s an extra bonus to keep yourself going instead of giving up right away. Remember last year when there were prizes for the folks who dropped out early? This time it’s not-so-nice stuff instead.
So who won HoH? Read on for your Big Brother Canada 3 spoilers…
Bobby Hlad is the new Head of Household. Congrats to Bobby.
He’ll be making nomination decisions soon so we’ll keep watching in on the Live Feeds and see which way he’s leaning. So far it sounds like Johnny is the target with Godfrey as the pawn, but I don’t think either has an idea of what’s coming their way.
If you were the new BBCAN3 HoH, who would you want up on the nomination block?